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Freshers Week is the first week of university. There are no classes. Instead, the focus is on settling in, having fun, and meeting people. You will have a couple of timetabled welcome talks and registrations to attend, but apart from that, it’s fun all the way. NTSU and NTU organise lots of activities during the week, making it easy for you to make friends, get to know your new surroundings, and have a good time. 


There is lots to get involved in during your Freshers week, and NTSU is there every step of the way to help you make new friends and have an unforgettable experience. You can attend NTSU’s Freshers fairs, join sports clubs and societies, and experience the official events that take place in venues all over Nottingham.  

NTSU have a Freshers Team of over 300 current student volunteers who will help answer any questions once you arrive (they’ll be wearing bright coloured t-shirts so you can’t miss them).  

The Freshers Events programme has something for everyone including big themed club nights, chilled outdoor cinemas, comedy, and even Trent’s very own festival and are held at Nottingham’s most iconic venues including Rock City, The Level, Unit 13, Ocean, Stealth and some of Nottingham’s hidden gems. 

There’s also a diverse program of smaller daytime events and free meetups you can enjoy as part of NTU’s Welcome programme.

The details of all events will be released over the summer months. Join the Official Mailing List and WhatsApp Community to stay up to date with all the announcements as they happen. 

Tickets for Freshers week will be available within the next few months from this website. Please sign up to our Official Mailing List and/or WhatsApp Community to keep up-to-date with all the latest announcements.

The official programme of Freshers events is organised by Nottingham Trent Students Union (NTSU)

Our events team are dedicated to running events during Freshers and throughout the year under the brand Trent Events.  To see the types of events we run throughout the year, visit the Trent Events website and  Instagram.

The official Freshers events take place in venues throughout Nottingham, including some of the biggest and most iconic nightclubs such as Rock City, Ocean, The Level, Stealth and Unit 13, plus the Students Unions own venues on campus, and in bars and hideaways throughout Nottingham. If you are living in Clifton, Brackenhurst or any of the halls out of the city centre, we will provide buses to take you to the official events to make navigating the city easy for you

Any events that you’ve seen that are not on this website, or on the NTU website, are not official Freshers events. We would advise that you remain cautious of other events and research the venue and organiser before spending money.

Also be cautious on social channels of any individuals trying to push you into purchasing tickets, they are often earning commission from selling you a ticket and sometimes mislead people into thinking they are new first year students when they are not. 

Student safety is a priority of NTSU and to deliver the biggest programme of events in the city, we provide and train over 300 volunteers (made up of current NTU students) to help make sure you have a positive introduction to life at NTU. We have partnerships with venues that are accedited in their safety and provision of specialist staff, we offer transport options to those that do not live within easy walking distance of events and we work closely with police and local authorities. You can read more about student safety here.

If you haven’t found the information you’re looking for, we’re here for you. Drop us a message at: freshers@su.ntu.ac.uk and we’ll get right back to you.


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and make friends with other new NTU students

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Get the official Freshers announcements as they happen and make friends with other new NTU students in your halls of residence before you arrive.

Not in halls? Don’t worry, we’ll add a group for all non-halls students closer to Freshers.

Join your official halls group chat

follow the official trent events Community

All the latest events, photos and more…

See everything you’ll be getting up to next year!

Check out the official Trent Events website where we list all the events throughout the year.